Tuesday, April 15, 2008


the Bigger Kahuna, Pope Benedict XVI (as opposed to the Big Kahuna, our St. Patrick's Church pastor in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, and the Biggest Kahuna, the Lord God Himself), has landed today on American soil, the first such visit since 9/11.

among the issues he will be tackling during his visit will be the molestation-via-priest scandal (i expect heads to roll, il papa), pumping up the slumbering and disappointed Catholic faithful, subtly slapping Dubya's fingers for the Iraq mess, perhaps meeting with his potential successors (McCain or Obama), and generally bring sexy back to the image of a Catholic leader (i kid, i kid).

the Pope will be in the Big Apple this Friday, and will celebrate Mass in Yankee Stadium on Sunday. sorry, those tickets ran out as early as last year.

at least just for one day, this dude below won't be the "Big Dog" in that arena. for you n00bs, that's NY Yankees boss George Steinbrenner.

but don't they kinda look the same? they both have German roots, they can be ornery, and they rule over an empire ...

am just saying!

(bless me, Father, for i have sinned ...)


Jego said...

Il Papa's da man!!

grifter said...

any biopic they would be making for either man at that age, would definitely star Dennis Hopper.

Jego said...

Or Leslie Nielsen.