Tuesday, April 08, 2008


last Sunday, cops came to my apartment (building).

yep, NYPD.

relax. i didn't commit a crime.

finally, someone (not me!) called the cops on our next door neighbor, a single mother with two teenage daughters. this family never fails to have screaming matches at any given moment, day or night.

i kind of symphatize with the mother, who seems to be at her wits end on how to deal with her daughters, who fit the prototypical American teenager - undisciplined, lazy and disrespectful. the lack of a strong father figure plays into that. somehow, she has no recourse but to scream at them. i half expect the elder daughter to come home pregnant at some point.

despite that, the mother seems to keep some of her faith in them. many a time have i seen her at the ground floor, resting with several bags of groceries, and offered to carry some of them up to our floor (4th walkup). she always respectfully declines and tells me her daughters would be coming down to help her. i smile and shrug, and as i leave her to her own devices, i can't help but think that if her daughters cared, they would have gone to the grocery with her in the first place.

so anyway, the cops (i heard their voices calling out and tiptoed to the peephole to check) were making sure the call came from this building or specifically, their apartment. i think one of the neighbors (there's only 6 units on a given floor) anonymously made the call, but nobody wanted to come forward and admit it. what should have been a quiet, lazy Sunday morning got shattered by yelling and screaming (sometimes things get thrown as well, i think) and resulted in a visit by our friendly NY cops on the beat.

i don't know if anything got resolved, but so far i have yet to hear another loud argument from their apartment. but i expect the quiet to last a week, tops.


Tintin said...

my building management has just given my kimchi neighbor a restraining order. he is not allowed to confront me anymore whenever i report him.

grifter said...

ahhhh ... such lovebirds you are!

Jego said...

Get a room!