Monday, April 10, 2006


what i learned from watching TV

- if the stink goes high up the Oval Office, you know you're screwed. but its a TV show so that means you can - can! - take down the freakin PUSA (that means President of the USA .... actually, it should be POTUS, but hey, PUSA sounds better).

- Jack Bauer is a cold-hearted sonofabitch (why leave a wounded intelligence source for potential capture - and death, after getting the info you want). that being said, i wish he existed so he can monkeywrench all the dirty gov't-backed black ops that hurt this great nation.

- the body count is getting higher. 24 hours in Jack's life is like a massacre. i can't even remember who died first (hint: its the actor currently shilling for State Farm insurance, having been written out of the series).

- Jack's PDA and phone must have a solar battery. they never die. imagine receiving important intel info from Chloe, and then Jack chokes on his spittle as he sees "Low Batt" blinking.

- speaking of Chloe, she did get some love from CNN. being the only competent tech in CTU (post-Edgar), she needs ice cold coffee in her veins. and some superconducting brain liquid. now that i think about it, she does fit the role - geek enough but not pretty enough to be a bimbo.

- i kind of miss Rudy, i mean ... Sam Gamgee ... i mean, Sean Astin. but then again, there's really no shortage of micromanaging let's-get-into-a-pissing-contest bureaucrats in this show. can we just take them all out in the back in the end and shoot them all?

- if the spineless PUSA is in cahoots with the Defense Minister, that will really suuuuuuuck!

what i learned from watching DVD

- actually i dont know which is worse, being a Cylon or being human. Cylons want to replace humans and that means they'll also have their own drama, backstabbing, bullshit, and general crap. they're even more confused than the humans (do you want to be metal or do you want to be flesh and blood?). is that an allegory for being gay? just asking.

- whether in the future or in another universe, religion is always an important factor. it could save you, or it could make you wander around aimlessly. but with their solar system based on the zodiac signs, i'm surprised the humans just don't wake up everyday and read horoscopes before going out ("Today avoid the Beta 2 sector; the stars are not aligned and you could run into pack of Cylons. If you can't avoid it, bring heavy weaponry.").

- what the frak is with all the frakking? i mean, despite not being from Earth, you all know 99% of the English language so why can't you say "fuck"? is this a kiddie show? c'mon!!

- i know i am way behind but please indulge me. tell me Apollo and Starbuck finally get it on in Season 2. inside a yucky Cylon Raider, no less. bad enough that Baltar got Starbuck in the sack, or the Chief shagging Boomer. well, it could be worse. they could have been shagging the reptiles in V.

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