Thursday, April 06, 2006

hustle n flow


While final details were not available, in general, the compromise would require illegal immigrants who have been in the United States between two years and five years to return to their home country briefly, then re-enter as temporary workers. They could then begin a process of seeking citizenship.

Illegal immigrants here longer than five years would not be required to return home; those in the country less than two years would be required to leave without assurances of returning, and take their place in line with others seeking entry papers.

well .... sounds good enough. as long as they don't start arresting people via stings. i realize the minority that they were trying to catch (e.g., lawbreakers) might still slip through. and if there are foreign terrorists here, there are better ways to catch them without subverting the common good (hear that, Ate Glo?).


Jego said...

The reason the US guvmint is ambivalent about illegal aliens is because economic planners know that there wont be enough money in Social Security to cover those who'll retire. Illegals are a ready source of social security funds since, being illegal, they have no claims to the social security benefits even if their salaries are regularly deducted for contributions.

grifter said...

plus, nobody wants to mow the lawn, landscape the gardens, do carpentry or plumb the toilets. nyhahahahahaha!