Thursday, April 27, 2006


when i learned that they had made a movie out of the 4th hijacked plane during the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, i resolved to not to miss it. it might have been your usual run-of-the-mill action thriller, if not for the unusual circumstances of the events it depicts. why not have high hopes for the action aspect - the movie is directed by Paul Greengrass after all (Bloody Sunday, the Matt Damon Bourne series). and it should be seen in a positive light, since it was the only hijacked plane that did not complete its mission.

an hour ago, i had second thoughts.

among the discs in my dvd pile was 7 Days in September, the critically-acclaimed documentary by TV director Steven Rosenbaum. i thought it would make a great bookend to United 93. dealing mostly with the aftermath of the destruction of the Twin Towers seen through the eyes of ordinary New Yorkers, the incredible footage is totally riveting and brings you right there in Lower Manhattan in those very hours. its also a powerful punch in the gut, as you see people reacting to a very extraordinary unexpected event, and trying to make sense of it in their own way.

5 minutes in and i'm already teary-eyed.

i gave up at 30 minutes and had to let my nausea settle down.

i don't know if i can watch United 93.

1 comment:

Tintin said...

really? i thought you're desensitized.

just bring a box of kleenex with you when you watch united 93... a bag of popcorn will help too.