Tuesday, April 04, 2006

16th hour

whudathunk!? (ok, this is about 24)

... that this spineless, pathetic excuse for a US president, would be revealed as the devious mastermind for all the evil stuff going on this season? but it doesn't quite fit yet. i've hated the character for being a whiny jellyfish (the best he can do as terrorists are about to ambush the First Lady and the Russian president, is he goes down on his knees and prays? right, because he's the one who gave up the motorcade route to the bad guys in the first place) and making one wrong decision after another, and i was expecting that after all is said and done, he'd resign at the end of the day for bungling the job. there would be no reason to and then the writers throw us this curve. what, do you make up the script every week?

hey, wait ... given that the slant of this season's storyline (stiff bureaucratic idiots out of Homeland Security and hopelessly clueless "patriots" in the highest levels of government), President Logan is a cutout for Bush!

devious, huh? still, i expect a perfectly plausible explanation.

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