Thursday, November 04, 2004

Make It Reel: Saw

did you see SAW? no, i went to the swing. lame jokes aside, i saw SAW (nyahahahahahah) - a critically-bashed (split opinions actually) but good-word-of-mouth horror/thriller that opened last weekend. i don't know why the critics are so upset - is it because they can't take gore anymore or did they see the ending coming five minutes into the film, or were they mad they didn't see the ending coming? ah, you can't please anyone these days. everyone's an armchair director. i personally enjoyed having question marks in my head (i don't friggin' care about the bad acting - what do you think this is? an Oscar entry? duh.). writer/actor Leigh Wannell swipes from the sick Japanese horror style and wins points for making an interesting whodunit that deviates from the usual slash-chase-slash type. budget concerns probably forced the producers to hand the directorial reins to a rookie, James Wan, but hey, not too bad. I'd still rate this higher than The Grudge (which is a remake) and the M. Night SHAM-alan turkey The Village.

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