Monday, November 08, 2004

dvd on tap: Psycho [Gus Van Sant]

As it is, the original Alfred Hitchcock film had a better effect in the 60s than this remake would have had in the 90s. Van Sant updates the ... wait, there are no updates (does the jack-off scene count?). Its still the embezzling employee (Anne Heche - boy, anything her Marion Crane character did fit her to a T *s*), the loverboy (Viggo Mortensen), the concerned sister (Julianne Moore), the snoopy detective (William H Macy), and of course, Master, er ... Norman Bates himself (played a bit fey-ly by Vince Vaughn). The widely-recognized instrumental theme (the infamous shower scene) is also used to full effect. Newbies will probably be scared but not that much, considering this violence-desensitized society. Just an okay remake.

"Who the hell stabbed me - - Ellen?? YOU?!?!

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