Thursday, September 21, 2006


question: if an American came over to your respective countries, stood in a forum of your legislators and assorted countrymen, and ranted against you and insulted you, would you allow this to happen and not a lay a hand on the loudmouth?

didn't think so, assholes.

and oh, don't hide behind the U.N. just because its an independent entity, and the diplomatic immunity it may accord you while you are standing on its property. the land is still US territory. you are allowed to do this because of free speech, something you probably don't allow your own citizens to have. except when they're praising you.


Tintin said...

did you know?

Jego said...

C'mon, man. There just reading material written for them by the writers of The Late Show, Late Night, and The Tonight Show. Sure, they dont have Dave or Conan's comic timing, but still...