Thursday, September 21, 2006


there's nothing "civil" about a war.

especially not between superheroes.

Civil War #4. Art by Steve McNiven/Dexter Vines

that's Thor (though i had my suspicions from the get-go ... he wasn't talking Olde English) murdering the hero formerly known as Black Goliath (now just Goliath).

burning questions:
- is this Thor clone the one who picked up Mjolnir from last issue? very few can.
- Tony Stark has equalled or maybe exceeded Bruce Wayne as the preeminent cold, calculating chess master. as Hank Pym said "what kind of man combs his furniture for hair follicles and skin cells?"
- will Tony and Steve ever be friends again?
- and who's that mysterious figure in the rebels' lair?

finally, a crossover/summer event that's worthy of money.

that is, if Mark Millar pulls this off and avoids the cop-out of Tony Stark/Iron Man being alien-possessed, an evil clone, or a time-travelling substitute.

1 comment:

Jego said...

Tony Stark is caught in a cross-dimensional warp and is really Bruce Wayne.