Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Vegas odds are 100,00 to 1, the world will not last beyond 12 midnight. $500 bid gives you a penny if you lose, gazillions if you win (but good luck collecting on that one! nyahahahaha!).


Jego said...

666 is a clerical error. Some tired old monk working in some cave, writing by candlelight misread the document he was copying and wrote 666. The correct number, based on ancient papyrus fragments is 616, and not 666.

But after all the books and films and conspiracy theories based on 666, I dont expect this to be corrected anytime soon. Nyaahahahahaa!!

grifter said...

so that's why the world in regular Marvel Comics continuity is designated as Earth-616. that's the ideal world we should have after this "real thing" we live in is annihilated in fire and brimstone. ok, the fact that i am still typing this means it never happened. which means i am no closer to being reincarnated as a superhero. daaaamn!