Monday, February 14, 2005

Valentine's Schmalentines

To current lovers, may your love burn brighter and bind you both, enabling you to move past the present on the path to a tomorrow called forever.
To the longtime lovers, you've both come this far - may your love for each other never fade, through time and space
To those looking for one, never despair; it will come in one way or form, or another. but it will.
To those who have lost theirs, take comfort if you have given your best - in that there is no shame in losing. being at peace with yourself opens new doors and new horizons.
To those grouchy about this day, let the lovers have their fun - deal with it *lol*.
If you never had loved, don't worry - you will.

All the world loves lovers.
All the world loves people in love
Don’t forget it. don’t forget it.
Love whatever the price
All the world loves lovers.
All the world loves people in love
Don’t forget it. - love
Don’t forget it. - love
Love whatever the price
... love

Prefab Sprout, All The World Loves Lovers

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