Saturday, February 26, 2005

Escape from Texas!

What th-! Its 5:30AM already and i have a 7AM flight!? Daaaamn! In the next 25 mins, I must have broken some records for fastest getaway from a hotel, bathed, fully clothed, without leaving a personal item *lol*. And the Texas Shuttle van driver got to the airport in 15 minutes by going through the toll roads and without breaking any laws, fully deserving that $40 fare. nyhahahahaha! success!

Flight was one hour to Mark Cuban's place. And the connecting gate was on the other terminal. Thank goodness for the Dallas-Fort Worth TrAAin (yep, funded by AA - American Airlines, not Alcoholics Anonymous).

Managed to get in just in time for boarding to the flight to JFK. Having swapped with a couple, I am now seated beside a meditating/chanting Pat Morita, doing his Japanese word puzzles and listening to his Zen music. Couldn't wait for the plane to get to 30,000 feet so i can put on some Depeche Mode.

(wait a sec. he was listening to his walkman the whole time taking off. and the plane didn't crash. no instrument malfunction, no frequency interference, nothing. the airlines have been lying to us the whole time.)

Later, into the flight, the black guys on the row ahead of us call a flight attendant to shut up Mr Miyagi. nyahahaha.

But at least i got away with a shotglass this time (that means i have to go back to Miami someday *lol*)

Wow. Back in Brooklyn. Taxis now accept credit cards. Haven't seen any of these swipe machines before. Cool.

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