Thursday, October 27, 2005

let 'er rip

i guess some people just do not have the time to do it on their own - but they managed to amass a huge music collection?

The advent of portable digital music players also opened the door for bandwagon-jumpers and attention-deficit trendy-wannabes. Professional CD ripping services are only for ... the technologically-challenged. Where's the fun in having others do the work for you? Who do you think you are - Donald Trump? You discover more about your music collection than you would ever think. Granted, it takes time. But you don't have to do it in one shot. I even bother to complete at least album titles and artwork (especially for those uhm, illegally procured *lol*). So if you're really a music fan, save your money, rip that old Oingo Boingo CD, and discover a lot more about Danny Elfman than his musical scores. But if you have all that disposable cash, sorry for treading on your Italian marble pathwalk.

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