Friday, May 19, 2006


i don't know what the fuss is about. maybe i'm just not Catholic enough?

if the protesters really want to rail on something that could offend them, maybe they should read Preacher.

of course, a Hollywood movie reaches a lot more people and means more $$ than an edgy controversial comic book.

so air the con of man

ok, the opening line there should be ... who wouldn't want to watch a film with Jean Reno? Being quite a fan since Leon (a.k.a. The Professional), its always fun to watch the big lug (despite him being French and all, nyahahaha). The cast acquit themselves, and the movie works despite the all-star ensemble: there's Doctor Octopus now a Bishop (Alfred Molina), there's Amelie now a cyrptologist (Audrey Tautou), there's the submarine commander turned greedy bank manager (Jürgen Prochnow), and there's Magneto/Gandalf himself (Ian McKellen). we had an office debate whether Tom Hanks really fit the role of Robert Langdon, symbology professor, with that goofy hair of his. i'm still not really sold, but Hanks is not a two-time Oscar winner for nothing, and i daresay i am slightly less unconvinced when i walked out the theater (and still found some protesters outside 3 hours later - hey, go home already!).

for my money, the film belongs to Paul Bettany, a.k.a. Silas Da Anak Araw, as much as it does to the two main leads. i probably won't be surprised if there are some radical Opus Dei members like him, and he exudes quite a menace that even his real-life wife Jennifer Connelly probably didn't let him near her for a few weeks.

so when will they also make a movie about the Danish cartoons depicting Mohammed? i mean imagine if Dan Brown was Muslim, and this bestseller revolved around Islam. man, Salman Rushdie would have had it easy.


Tintin said...

yeah, arseface's face would offend lots of people. they'll surely protest.

Jego said...

i mean imagine if Dan Brown was Muslim, and this bestseller revolved around Islam. man, Salman Rushdie would have had it easy.

Dan Brown wouldve been dead. Unless he can convince the jihadists that he's really Rene Auberjonois.

grifter said...

or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.