Sunday, February 19, 2006

give anyone a gun ....

coming across those Dutch cartoons which currently has most narrow-minded individuals in a brainlock, i redirected the link to some friends, but then got curious about the source (of where the cartoons were posted, not Jyllands-Posten).

turns out its someone whom we can probably put alongside Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and all those other right-wing nitwits (sorry, i don't watch FoxNews). i wonder if the venerable Jon Stewart already has/had her on his hit list.

and it also turns out she came from where i came from, although she emphasizes she's an American now. so what's the point of her post on the Leyte landslide? feeling guilty, are we?

further analysis of her work turns out to be damning. she probably can't/won't visit Seattle again in her lifetime, either.


Jego said...

Just goes to show that not all Pinoys there are left-wing radicals like you. Nyaahahahahaa!!

grifter said...

i ain't left-wing either. fuck those commie shitheads. nyhahahahaha.