Thursday, March 13, 2008

and he's free ...

so many words have been written in the last 72 hours on Gollum Eliot Spitzer's fall from grace (grace? he was in a state of grace?), and mine wouldn't even matter. we started this week with a dumb girl, and we're ending it with a dumb gov. or maybe something much more spectacular would happen this weekend.

too many people jumped at the chance to rattle off their 10 cents worth, and we should be thankful that Rep. Joe Bruno had enough class not to pile on. even former Hollywood madams got into the act, explaining how the deal works. the lesson here, kids, is once you're in public office, all bets are off. prepare for the fall.


fionski said...

It's hard to be in the limelight. You are always being scrutinized. I'm glad I'm no celebrity. Hehehe.

grifter said...

uy ha ... you're a blogosphere celebrity, Ate Fiona!