Wednesday, November 15, 2006

waiting game

PS3 launches on friday. of course, 90% of of us who want one won't get one. i already convinced myself to wait till 2007. i got my PS1 and 2 way beyond the release date (making me a johnny -come-lately, but i strongly object - not everyone has money, you rich lazyasses), so waiting is not a problem (its getting some games at full price when i already have the machine that's a problem).

Lair, Factor 5

wait, now i will have more problems - i will be forced to get an HDTV now, because having a PS3 without one is like having a Lamborghini Diablo parked in your garage and not taking it out in the highways. this means i will not eat for about, say six months.

anyway, here's some cheery advice from the PS Godfather, Ken Kutaragi, as told to Newsweek:
What's the best way to get a PS3 if you're not on the list?
The best way is waiting, but maybe you have some lucky friend who can get a PS3. So please visit your friend's home to share and enjoy future entertainment.

Resistance: Fall of Man, Insomniac Games

so, who will be my lucky friend? Will you be my lucky friend? Will you?

ah, well ... version 1.0 of anything never works 100% anyway. plus, here's more cheery news from all over.

so in the meantime, i might just spring for an XBox 360. yeah, wipe that grin off your face, Gates; am just kidding. will you send me one though, with a free Gears of War? if you do, you can bet i will buy Halo 3 next year.


Tintin said...

i was hoping you'd be my lucky friend.

Jego said...

Won't be enough to pull Sony out from the red. Theyre thinking too A380 when they should be thinking 777.