Friday, July 11, 2008

iPocalypse now

the Jesus 2.0 comes out today!

and expectedly, more morons people have waited in line for a week, grabbed their spanking new 3G devil's tool iPhone, and found out that they can't be activated.

we really can't stem the tide of lemmings early adopters, especially when its been hyped that the price is 1/3 than what the early early adopters paid for this time last year. what the pundits have been telling, and no one is listening anyway (why should they? its the Jesus phone! i'll sell my soul for Jesus!!!), is that with that 2-year contract to AT&T, it would cost a lot more than the iPhone 1.0.

sure, 3G is fast, but do you really need to surf the web wherever you are? (wait, i do that when seated on the throne) really, its just a matter of time before its jailbroken (hint, hint). and even if my refurb 1.0 is still cost me $50 more, i am not beholden to AT&T, who's going to gouge everyone for every single cent before their 5-year exclusive contract is up. and based on the revered Walter Mossberg's review, the price of 3G speed is a battery that's easily drained.

but please, ignore everything else, and run screaming to get your iPhone. Steve Jobs is waiting for you.

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